Marie-Caroline Hominal, Madmoiselle MCH

In Froufrou the notion of ceremonial is explored in the widest sense of the word.  The choreographer, Marie-Caroline Hominal, uses a non-frontal stage technique to summon up events from here and there.  She uses the experience of her stay in Port-au-Prince to elaborate a choreographic ritual, situated somewhere near the crossroads of animistic religions and the music hall.

Conception et mise en scène
Marie-Caroline Hominal
Chorégraphie :
Marie-Caroline Hominal
avec la collaboration
de Chiara Gallerani,
Jasna l. Vinovrški,
Pauline Wassermann,
Rudi van der Merwe
Interprétation : Chiara Gallerani,
Marie-Caroline Hominal,
Rudi van der Merwe,
Pauline Wassermann
scénographie : Delphine Coindet
musique : Clive Jenkins
masques : Didier Civil
Lumières : Christophe Bollondi
Direction technique, régie son et lumière : Laurent Schaer
Montage : Marc Cochand

production : madmoiselle mCH association – Genève

La tournée

Salle 2
danse | 60 min | 13.-


Jeudi, 26.03, 20:30
Vendredi, 27.03, 20:30
Samedi, 28.03, 18:00
Dimanche, 29.03, 18:00

*** 20.03 : after show party opening
– 23h SILVER – performance live, concert, light & dance – Marie-Caroline Hominal (CH)